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Student Code

  1. No students may venture out their dorms during The Witching hour (3am-4am). Non-negotiable. 

  2. The restricted library is for faculty members only and not available to students. 

  3. Students are not allowed within the faculty areas of the academy without permission. 

  4. Students must never leave the grounds of the academy without permission. 

  5. Students are not allowed familiars on academy grounds, unless you are a 4th year staying in an allocated cottage. 

  6. All exams must be taken seriously and go towards your final grades. 

  7. You must never use your skills or magic on other students without supervision of faculty members in the correct tournament environments. 

  8. You must never use your skills or magic on or against faculty members. 

  9. You must attend all of your classes unless a reasonable excuse is provided.

  10. You must never use your skills or magic to destroy or damage academy property. 

  11. Unauthorized student parties, drinking, drugs and smoking are strictly prohibited. 

  12. Students are allowed a cell phone on campus, but this must only remain connected to the witch web only (eg. Witchapp & Witchflix)

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