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Image by Jonathan Bowers


Witches of Air can manipulate the air that all life depends on. They are in tune to the atmosphere around us and can not only provide but take it away. Advanced witches can learn how to manipulate the air to create portals to different realms and even physical locations. Air is also a great recreational element, these witches can move through the air just as easy as they can move on the earth. 

Career Prospects:

Alchemist, Law Enforcement (Air Unit), Professor, Navigator, Meteorologist, Portal Operator, Shield Engineer, Electrician. 
Fourth Year Internship Options:

Image by Saad Chaudhry

Accepted Transfer Schools

Hala Academy 

North America

Voxis Aerokinetic University


Aeros Skye Academy

South America

Shango Aere University


Sota Hayoto University


Cyclus Ceraun Academy


Classes - Talents Gained By Year

Year 2

Areoportation For Beginners

Aerokinetic Constructs & Mimicry

Intro to Weather Control

  • Wind Generation

  • Wind Portals

  • Flight

  • Pressure Manipulation

Year 3

Advanced Aeroportation 

Intermediate Telekinesis

  • Deoxygenation

  • Telekinesis

  • Ability to hold breath for extended period of time

  • High-pitch sound waves

Year 3 & 4 Specializations

At Amaris Academy, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of creativity and education. As an experienced Virtual Academy, we teach a variety of classes spanning the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of their field.

  • Aeroperception 100

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Diploma in Aerokinetics | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user's mind and senses can process change in the aerodynamics.


  • Climate Creation 100 

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Breath and Air Control | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can sense, create, shape and manipulate climate, primarily winds and thunder storms..


  • =Lightning & Electricity 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Masters In Weather Control | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: Control, generate or absorb electric fields and shoot lightning bolts.


  • Gas Transfiguration 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Breath and Air Contro | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: User can transform gases, whether organic or inorganic into other forms of gases..


  •  Enhanced Breath 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Breath and Air Control | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The ability to exhale/inhale with superhuman power.


  • Wielding Wind Razors 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification:  Masters Diploma in Magical Architecture | Dependencies​: N/A I

      • Description: The user can project air/wind or sound in a way that allows them to cut through matter from a distance.


  • Hurricanes & Tornados 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Masters In Weather Control | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create hurricanes tornadoes and cyclones to cause massive damage..


  •  Shockwaves 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Diploma in Aerokinetic | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: Users can produce powerful shockwaves via various means, including mental or physical action such as clapping & stomping.


  • Air Exoskeleton 400

    • Difficulty: Complex  | Qualification: Master Diploma in Air Defense | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can form armor around their body or a shape it from air for protection and physical boost.


  • Force Field Generation I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Shielding | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.


  • Force Field Generation II

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Shielding | Dependencies​: Force Field Generation I

      • Description:  The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.


Option A

Choose one

First Year
Evolution of Magic 

Magic & Human Behaviors 

History of Familiars


Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

Option B

Choose one

First Year
Botany and Geology

Charms and Amulets
Introduction to Potions



Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

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