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Image by Rohan Makhecha


Light Witches are in tune with the world around them like no other, and the world beyond our own. They can see everything, what is not visible to any mortal. They can see and hear spirits, they can see what hasn’t been done yet. Light is pure, and from its purity they can master the ability to use it for healing. These witches are strongest during the day and in the sun. This is one of the rarest elements to have been granted.


Career Prospects:

Alchemist, Astronomer, Healer, Philosopher, Professor, Celestial Astronaut, portal operator, keeper of lore, medium, judge, anthropologist, Demon Hunter. 

Fourth Year Internship Options:

Classes - Talents Gained By Year

Year 2

Harnessing Energy for Beginners

Intro to Séance

Divine Visions 101

  • Use visible light to create solid constructs and temporary illusions

  • Photographic Memory

  • Portal creation

  • Purification

  • Basic Healing

Year 3

Advanced Light Restoration

Intermediate Physic Reading

  • Psychic readings 

  • Mimic any sound one hears using one's voice

  •  Create solid constructs from light sources

  • Extrasensory perception

  • Illusion Detection

Year 3 & 4 Specializations

At Amaris Academy, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of creativity and education. As an experienced Virtual Academy, we teach a variety of classes spanning the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of their field.


  • Glamour 100

    • Difficulty: Entry| Qualification: Diploma in Visions and Illusion | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can see any point in time in the past through clairvoyance and  see numerous instances into the future at a whim.


  • Optic Blasts 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Certification in Light Magic Radiation | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  The user can project bolts/beams/blasts of energy/matter (whether organic, inorganic, objects, etc.) from their eyes.


  • Clairvoyance 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Coven Astronomy | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The ability to change one's appearance to look like another person, though it can also be used to change a person's age, sex or clothing.


  • Astral Drop Creation 300

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Diploma in Visions and Illusion | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can see any point in time in the past through clairvoyance and  see numerous instances into the future at a whim.


  • Intangibility 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Masters in Divine Transparency | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user is able to move through solid objects and ignore most physical effects in their way through bending of light.


  • Blinding Construction & Maintenance 400

    • Difficulty: Complex | Qualification: Special Diploma in Blinding Architecture | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: User can change psionic/psychic energy into different shapes, objects, materials and substances of varying complexity.


  • Harnessing The Sun I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Luminescence | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  The user can create, shape and manipulate the suns energy, emitting powerful nuclear energy as a force to project energy bolts.


  • Harnessing The Sun II

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Luminescence | Dependencies​: Harnessing The Sun I

      • Description:  The user can create, shape and manipulate the suns energy, emitting powerful nuclear energy as a force to project energy bolts


  • Invisibility I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Masters in Divine Transparency | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:   Users can render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in the visible spectrum


  • Invisibility II

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Masters in Divine Transparency | Dependencies​: Invisibility I

      • Description:   Users can render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in the visible spectrum


  • Introduction To Healing

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification:  Advanced Healer Certification  | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  Entry level course for those wanting to begin training in magical healing.


  • Advanced Healing

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification:  Advanced Healer Certification  | Dependencies​: Introduction to Healing 

      • Description:  Advanced level course for those wanting to specialize in the physical aspects of magical healing.


Option A

Choose one

First Year
Evolution of Magic 

Magic & Human Behaviors 

History of Familiars


Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

Option B

Choose one

First Year
Botany and Geology

Charms and Amulets
Introduction to Potions



Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

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