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Image by Sebastian Unrau


Earth Witches rely on the rocks and plant life around them. They are in touch with the earth we stand on and can manipulate, shape and move it beneath your feet. They are in touch with nature and growth, and can influence it to do as they please. Anything that comes from the earth, such as precious gemstones and plants they can use to harness and condense their powers.

Career Prospects:
Alchemist, Chef, Potioneer, Professor, Atilliator, Farmer, Architect, Navigator, Builder, Organic Mineral Crafter, Miner, Botanist, Demon Hunter. 
Fourth Year Internship Options:

Beautiful Nature

Accepted Transfer Schools

Fauna Fae Academy 

North America

Thera Academy


Tierra de Gaia University

South America

Aiyetoro Stone University


 Daichi Institute


Crystal Core Academy


Classes - Talents Gained By Year

Year 2

Mineral Manipulation

Geo-telekinesis 101

Briar Magic

  • Telekinesis of organic rocks, plants and minerals

  •  Botanical Manipulation and accelerated growth of all biological plants

  • Generate landslides and earthquakes

Year 3

Advanced Seismic Senses

Intermediate Botanical Manipulation

  • Materialize gemstones

  •  Ability to harden skin and organs

  • ​ Ability to temporarily camouflage against any terrain

  • Botanical Restoration

Year 3 & 4 Specializations

At Amaris Academy, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of creativity and education. As an experienced Virtual Academy, we teach a variety of classes spanning the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of their field.

  • Chloropoeia 100 

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Qualification: Diploma in Witchcraft & Materials | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The power to turn creatures and objects into flowers or anything related to flora.


  • Sand Manipulation 100 

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Qualification: Masters in Botany | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create, shape and manipulate sand.


  • Crystal Manipulation 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Witchcraft and Mining | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create, shape and manipulate Crystals.


  • Mineral Mimicry 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Witchcraft and Mining | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of a minerals.


  •  Flora's Aroma 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Masters in Botany | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can generate and manipulate the smell/fragrance of plants in various ways, to cause hypnosis, pain, love, insanity, etc.


  • Animating Earth 200

    • Difficulty: Average| Qualification:  Masters Diploma in Magical Architecture | Dependencies​: N/A I

      • Description: Create golems/sentient beings out of inanimate materials like rocks, wood, plants, magma.


  • Metal Manipulation 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Diploma in Witchcraft & Materials | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create, shape and manipulate metal.


  •  Botanical Communication 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification:  Masters in Botany | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can communicate with all forms of plant-life either telepathically or by speaking verbally,


  • Architecture and Magic 400

    • Difficulty: Complex  | Qualification: Masters Diploma in Magical Architecture | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize architecture by using the earth around them to create structure


  • Gaia's Tongue I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Animal Communication | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  The user can telepathically read the minds of land animals, and communicate with them..


  • Gaia's Tongue II

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Animal Communication | Dependencies​: Gaia's Tongue I I

      • Description:  The user can telepathically read the minds of land animals, and communicate with them.


Option A

Choose one

First Year
Evolution of Magic 

Demonology I
Magic & Human Behaviors 

History of Familiars


Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

Option B

Choose one

First Year
Botany and Geology

Charms and Amulets
Introduction to Potions



Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

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