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Image by Mohamed Nohassi


Fire witches can create a flame from their hands. They control the aggressive and wild fire not only at their mercy but they also have flames within. These fiery witches make for the perfect soldiers but they also surround themselves in flames for rituals and ancient worship.


Career Prospects: 

Alchemist, Law Enforcement (Fire Unit), Professor, Welder, Chef, Infernal Engineer, Magma Analyst, Rune Composer, Demon Hunter. 
Fourth Year Internship Options:

Image by Patrick Hendry

Accepted Transfer Schools

Ember University

North America

Cyrus, Academy of Flames


Ignis Rojo University

South America

Oya, Academy of Pyrokinetics


The Red Dragon Institute


Blaze Cendis Academy


Classes - Talents Gained By Year

Year 2

Intermediate Fire Manipulation

Combustion 101

Fire Generation

  • Manipulate Fire

  • Create explosions 

  •  Fire Generation

  • Pyrokinetic Defense​

Year 3

Advanced Fire Manipulation

Mastering Blaze Control

  • Communication via flame source

  • ​Fire Embodiment 

  • Thermal Manipulation 

  • Fire Breath

  • Laser Beams

Year 3 & 4 Specializations

At Amaris Academy, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of creativity and education. As an experienced Virtual Academy, we teach a variety of classes spanning the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of their field.

  • Wielding Blue Fire 100

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Diploma in Mundane Fire Technology | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user's mind and senses can process change in the aerodynamics.


  • Wielding Green Fire 100

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Acidic Heat | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create, shape and manipulate blue flames, which are far hotter and more intense than ordinary orange fire.


  • Smoke Generation 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Fire Defense | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can generate smoke in various ways and amounts. Using smoke on an enemy can cause disorientation and deoxygenation.


  • Ash Manipulation 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Fire Defense | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The power to utilize ash-based magic and manipulate burnt or charred matter.


  •  Flame Surfing 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Fire Offense | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: User controls fire in a way that increases their ability to move and/or maneuverer.


  • Harnessing Firestorm 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification:  Diploma in Fire Offense | Dependencies​: N/A I

      • Description: The user can create firestorms, conflagrations of intense temperature, capable of incinerating any and everything in the path.


  • Magma Manipulation 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Diploma in Acidic Heat | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The power to generate and manipulate geothermal molten substances.


  • Electric Flames 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Diploma in Mundane Fire Technology | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create, shape and manipulate either electrified fire or both fire and electricity simultaneously.


  • Gaia's Flame 400

    • Difficulty: Complex  | Qualification: Special Diploma in Fire Construct | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can shape holy fire into different shapes, objects, materials, ranging from items such as tools and weapons.


  • Phoenix Physiology I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Fire Physiology | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  The user will be able to transform into a Fire Phoenix. In this hybrid form, the witch is able to freely manipulate their body made of fire.


  • Phoenix Physiology II

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Fire Physiology | Dependencies​: Phoenix Physiology I

      • Description:  The user will be able to transform into a Fire Phoenix. In this hybrid form, the witch is able to freely manipulate their body made of fire.


Option A

Choose one

First Year
Evolution of Magic 

Magic & Human Behaviors 

History of Familiars


Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

Option B

Choose one

First Year
Botany and Geology

Charms and Amulets
Introduction to Potions



Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

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