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Our History And Culture

Amaris Academy is the oldest school of witchcraft known to our people. It was founded by The Council in the early 1700’s to ensure that our children were being taught about their powers appropriately. Amaris Academy is academically renowned as the best institute for young witches to harness their skills. They have a long list of former students who have gone on to be council members or a famous witch. It is an elite school that chooses either students who show remarkable amounts of power or have a long and ancient witch legacy. 

Students attend the school from their 18th winter solstice. A witch's school year is from the Winter Solstice to the Autumn Solstice. They return home to spend holidays and harvest with their families. The graduation ceremony for fourth year students takes place on the Autumn Solstice. The exam for first year students takes place on the Harvest Moon (full moon that takes place around the autumn solstice). 

The academy is run by a highly powerful faculty and has had many headmasters and mistresses over the years.

The Academy is located in a rural north american countryside in dense forest, not far from Salem, Massachusetts. Having the academy in a rural location ensures the protection of our students and a safe space to develop their new skills and talents without the risk of exposure. Witches do not come into their powers until their 18th Birthday and without the proper education are normally unable to harness them other than small parlor tricks which is why attending the academy is so important for the survival of our race.

The Ritual

At the end of your first academic year on the night of The Harvest Moon you will be subjected to The Ritual. The Ritual is performed in the temple of The Mother’s at The Academy and you will be put before each element.

You have a higher chance of sharing the same element of one or both of your parents. However there are cases where your element will be new to your family’s line depending on The Mother’s plan for you. 

Your chosen element is what you will go onto study in your final three years of education and dictates your future job and work opportunities. You will learn how to harness and control your specific element and you will have the opportunity to take on specialist subjects of your own choosing. In your final year you will fully specialise in one topic ahead of graduation. 


The Godesses

Selene, Gaia & Lilith are the deities worshipped among all witches. The Earth, Moon and Death. It is believed in legend that these goddesses granted the original witches powers to carry out their work in the mortal realm and keep the balance between humanity and nature. One cannot survive without the other. 

Gaia, The Mother Of The Earth, is all about the physical aspect of our world. She is responsible for the earth, Air and fire elements. Her children (witches who specialize in these elements) are the protectors of nature. Selene, The Mother of The Mystical Arts, is all about ensuring the survival of humanity. Her children show talents in water, spirit and light and they use these talents to bring life to the planet. Lilith, Queen of Terminos (The underworld) is the mother of all dark witches and monsters.

All three goddesses have been worshipped by our people since the beginning of time. We pray to them in times of hardship and call on them when we feel weak. They claim us as their children in return for our rituals and sacrifices. They cast out those not worthy of their magic.


The Coven and Its Reformation

 The Coven is the ruling council of witches who oversee the safety of our race and our people. They also protect our secrets from the mortal realm. Secrecy is the only way our people have survived and it is forbidden that any mortal knows the truth of our realm. With the real world’s developing technology it is now feared that we would be hunted and executed for harnessing something they would never understand. 

The Coven is split up into groups depending on their chosen element. Formerly, the  Council was made up of six powerful and ancient witches, one from each element. However after their fall from grace and the resurrection of Lilith. The Coven’s Council now rules over the majority of witches in a politically democratic fashion. 

Though the term witch is often only associated with women in pop culture, our witches are both male and female and in our society.  It is encouraged that male and female witches stay with each other, the majority do. However, some witches who return to the mortal realm following graduation develop emotional ties and relationships with mortals. It only takes one Witch parent to create witch offspring. The Coven ensures that all of our kind are tracked and protected from birth. 

At your final exam in an academy you have a chance to be chosen to live and work in the witch community directly for The Coven. Only the best are selected for this role with the majority returning to the mortal world and coexisting with mundane humans. 

The Coven is protected by a guard of elite witches who are  trained and specialized in offensive and defensive magic. These are the warriors who protect our people and mortals from dark magic threats and ensure that our secret is kept.  

Witches are the only supernatural beings to remain on this earth alongside demonic creatures who some witches choose to hunt and protect mundane life from them. Many other species over time were hunted so sparsely that their race became extinct. 

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