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Image by Ahmed Adly


Witches of Dark are the most in tune with the occult being that their goddess is also the mother of Demons. They draw from ecto-plasmic energy, and though their powers are malevolent in nature, this does not make them evil witches whatsoever, instead allowing them to embrace magic techniques that would be considered taboo but useful to our functioning society.

Career Prospects:
 Paranormal/Demon Investigator, Law Enforcement (Spy Unit/ Interrogator), Medium, Psychiatrist/Dreamweaver, Bounty Hunter
Fourth Year Internship Options:

Image by Mathew MacQuarrie

Accepted Transfer Schools

Nex Mora Academy 

North America

Mors Malis Institute


Muerte Negra University

South America

Juju, University of the Occult 


Kali-Yama Academy


Voodus Libitus Academy


Classes - Talents Gained By Year

Year 2

Black Magic 101 

Intermediate Curses & Jinx

Understanding Demonic Energy

  • Undead Summoning

  • Perform curses

  • Energy blasts made of dark energy

  • Disintegration 

Year 3

Advanced Bone Readings

Void Magic 200

  • Energy Drains

  • Take control of bones in or outside a body

  • Demon Physiology

  • Blind Inductment

Year 3 & 4 Specializations

At Amaris Academy, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of creativity and education. As an experienced Virtual Academy, we teach a variety of classes spanning the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of their field.

  • Dark Portal Generation 100

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Diploma in Dark Transportation | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can create dark portals using ectoplasmic, based energies.


  • Negation 100

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Masters in Mind Corruption | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can negate elemental powers and effects that originate from magic. Spells, curses, hexes, jinxes and charms.


  • Hypnotic Visions 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Masters in Mind Corruption | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: User can use eye contact to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.


  • Death Whispering 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Masters Diploma in Necromancy | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: User is able to connect to a supernatural network that broadcasts messages about the deceased or dying.


  •  Horror 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification: Diploma in Horror Studies | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can evoke and increase fear, paralysis, and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals.


  • Haunting 200

    • Difficulty: Average | Qualification:  Diploma in Horror Studies | Dependencies​: N/A I

      • Description: The users can cause an area, buildings, vehicles, or objects to become a festering ground for ghosts and lost spirits.


  • Shadow Stealth 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Diploma in Dark Transportation | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can hide within the shadows and remain undetected. They can use this technique to spy on individuals.


  • Psionic Inundation 300

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Masters in Mind Corruption | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can project harmful psionic volleys, which may result in brain damage, memory loss, unconsciousness, vegetative state or death.


  • Re-Animation 400

    • Difficulty: Complex  | Qualification: Masters Diploma in Necromancy | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description: The user can reanimate corpses and dead beings, making them able to move and react. They are usually under the user's control.


  • Ectokinetic Manipulation I

    • Difficulty: Entry | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Plasmic Energy | Dependencies​: N/A

      • Description:  User can change ectoplasm into different shapes, objects, materials, ranging from items such as tools and weapons.


  • Ectokinetic Manipulation II

    • Difficulty: Advanced | Qualification: Advanced Certification in Plasmic Energy | Dependencies​: Ectokinetic Manipulation I

      • Description:  Ability to manipulate fluids in a organisms body.​​User can change ectoplasm into different shapes, objects, materials, ranging from items such as tools and weapons.


Option A

Choose one

First Year
Evolution of Magic 

Magic & Human Behaviors 

History of Familiars


Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

Option B

Choose one

First Year
Botany and Geology

Charms and Amulets
Introduction to Potions



Second Year

Advanced Alchemy

Runes & Relics

Coven Law & Political Studies

Demonology II*

Mother Religion

Human Religions

Intro To Healing (Water, Spirit or Light)

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