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Image by Mark Tegethoff

Social Calendar & Clubs

Image by Bucerius Law School

Move in day and Activity fair

All students are moving into their dorm rooms ahead of the start of the new academic school year. It's also where they can visit stalls set out in The Courtyard and sign up to extra circular clubs, where upperclassmen are designated to be their representatives. This event takes place within the role play on a Sunday in January ahead of the first day of school the following morning

Image by Alora Griffiths

Team Tryouts

 All students who are wanting to take part in a sport or team are able to try out. This includes Cheerleading, Terros, Swimming, Duelling and Track & Field. Meet with your representative or coach to be put through your paces - let's see if you make the cut!

Image by Element5 Digital

Student Council Election Results

Those who have signed up to student council can run campaigns to become student council president, or the other particular roles within the council which include, treasurer, social & events coordinator and secretary. The runner up for student council president will be awarded vice president. All students at Amaris will be given the opportunity to cast their votes ahead of these results for people wanting these roles.

Dance Party

Freshers Dorm Party

Every year fourth year students traditionally hold a party at The Cottages to welcome back all students and initiate the first years. This party takes place after hours on a Friday night. And although it's officially against the rules, there's a feeling the staff know about the party but let the students have their fun this one time, be aware of those pesky hangovers the following morning!

Image by Marina Abrosimova

Spring Solstice Ball

Amaris' first official event to celebrate Spring. This is a formal ball that's held at school, find a date or rock up with your friends. This is everyone's opportunity to dress up for the occasion. The event is held in the main hall on a Saturday. It is traditionally followed by a special solstice ritual performed by the headmistress in the temple at witching hour.

Image by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu

1st Term Exams

Hope you've been studying... it's time to fill out your grade cards with the credits you have so far, ready to be reviewed. In character, your characters are probably stressing out with their first set of exams. This will be followed by an In Character break of two weeks for spring break.

Image by Eric Nopanen

Spring Break

 You can either use this week as an opportunity to take a role play break, or, if you can't get enough of Amaris then we will set you up a location room where you can role play away from Amaris with whoever you're travelling with!

Image by Pablo Heimplatz

Senior Keg Party

Every year the fourth years throw a huge party after hours by the ruins in the woods. Though there's nothing to stop anyone from sneaking out and joining the fun as long as you have nerves of steel. You have to make sure you're up for not only sneaking out but risking getting caught partying near one of our most sacred locations!

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Annual School Tournament

For the elemental students who have spent all year mastering their offensive and defensive skills, this is your time to practice your combat skills. If you sign up, you will battle each other following tournament rules to try and win the event. Although first year students cannot partake in the event, the whole school gathers to watch this take place!

Image by Jake Weirick

Flower Moon Bonfire

The flower moon is one of our favourite holidays as we approach the height of summer. Every year we have a bonfire with food stalls and other activities taking place in The Courtyard of Amaris. The carnival comes into town, and this also includes fortune telling and games to be played. Like last year, a remembrance ceremony will also take place to honour the attack of 2022.

Image by MChe Lee

2nd Term Exams

Not all partying I hope? This is the second set of exams in the school year and it's time to update your credits on your grade cards ready to be graded. Your characters will again be going through that exam mentality and getting in their last minute cramming. This will be followed by another IC break fortnight.

Summer Times

Summer Break

You can either use this week as an opportunity to take a role play break, or, if you can't get enough of Amaris then we will set you up a location room where you can role play away from Amaris with whoever you're travelling with!

Image by Nguyen Khanh Ly

Parents Weekend

 Are you a legacy student with over bearing parents who want you to excel in every way? Today parents are invited to visit you at school, they'll be given the chance to tour and meet with your professors and discuss your work and grades. They'll be an assembly addressed by the head mistress towards the end of the afternoon and it's a chance for you to spend some time with your families and introduce them to other students.

Image by Jimmy Conover

Terros Grand Final & Pep Rally

 Our team have made it through to the grand final of the Terros Academy League. Come out to support the players are the take on another academy for the ultimate trophy. We will role playing throughout the match with the players, spectators and cheerleaders.

Image by Long Truong

The Fall Formal

 Got a special someone? It's time to ask them out on a date and dress up to attend The Fall Formal hosted by the school in the main hall. This is our equivalent of prom. And The Fall Formal is the last event before final exams. So put your dancing shoes on, tie those bow ties and find the perfect dress because we're dancing the night away.

Image by Baim Hanif

Claiming Ceremony & Graduation

All first years will be taking place in their claiming ceremony. This will determine their elements and is overseen by The Council. Parents and other students are also invited to watch if they wish to attend. At the same time, all fourth years will be taking place in their final graduation ceremony where they will receive their final diploma's and certificates. An emotional time for students who will be leaving Amaris.

Club and Sport Options

We recommend that Students only join 3 clubs in order not to overload their schedules!

Art & Photography Club  : For our artistic students that take in the beauty of the world and express it in different ways, you are always welcome in this club.


Astronomy Club  : Study the stars together with an intelligent team to gather knowledge of astrology, celestial objects, and space.


Book Club  : If you enjoy reading and the Library’s extensive literature collection, then this club is for you as it brings others to enjoy and expand their literature interests. 


Charms Club  :  If you are interested in learning more incantations and exploring charm properties, this is the club for you.


Cheerleading Team : Join our preppy group of students who support our athletes during games and meets. Perform tricks and routines at events and rallies to stun and hype the audience!


Cooking Club  : Do you like food as much as We like food? Because if you do like food as much as we like food then you should definitely join this club. 


Coven Study  : A more extensive and collaborative and worship session held in the Mother's Temple to extend our gratitude towards the Goddesses.


Dance & Gymnastics Club  : Come in and show us your moves and sporadic talent by training and dazzling the stage. Taking place in the gymnasium with a guest dance and gymnastics coach.


Drama & Film Club  : These days, Witchflix has an endless library of films to get through - so start ticking off that bucket list and watch them with us.


Dueling Club  : Interact with your fellow classmates in competitive PvP combat situations, preparing you for future battles and training others to become Demon Hunters.


Fabrication Club : This club is for those students who like tinkering, building, designing, and developing new and cool inventions, gadgets, and weapons.


Alpha Theta Nu Fraternity  : Join the brotherhood to seek out new social cliques and connections holding the same/new interests in vast businesses or ideas in this club. 

Gaming & eSports Club : Sponsored by Solstice Gaming and taking place in one of our converted computer labs, letting all students join in on having fun in digital or tabletop games and branching out their skills to rank up on the leaderboards! 


Guard Training Camp  : GTC is a militia-type club that trains witches into becoming the future soldiers working for the Coven.


Herbalism & Gardening Club  :  Learn to enjoy Gaia’s nature within the Greenhouse with this club as you care for plants within Amaris walls.


Host Club  : A fun, creative way to boost moral for student life as well as create a new social entertainment. Based off of Ouran HighSchool Host Club anime. 


International Club : Students from Amaris come here from all over the world, so this is your chance to meet and discover the diverse culture on campus.


Journalism Club  : Students involved in this club will have the opportunity to write about school happenings or events. They can conduct interviews with teachers, administrators, and fellow students (as well as people in the community).


Music Club   : Joining this club you can work on progression on solo instruments or collaborate with other students and create a band while learning all new instruments and genres of music.


Potions Club  : Liked Breaking Bad? Wanna become one of the cast members? Like drugs and getting in heat too often? THIS IS THE CLUB FOR YOU.


Sigma Psi Delta Sorority  : Join the sisterhood to seek out new social cliques and connections holding the same/new interests in vast businesses or ideas in this club.


Student Council  : Join the Student Council to properly learn governing to an academic level as well as plan events happening in Amaris and keep the student population safe.


Study Club  : Supported by different tutors and professors on campus, meeting in the library to help those lacking in grades and for those who wish to expand their knowledge on certain topics.


Swim Team  :  Join the swim team to begin a journey in gaining proficiency in water athletics and competitions to beat our rival schools!


Terros Sports Team (Second Year & Up Only)   : A witch version of football/rugby sport only dealt with the witches elemental powers. Fight our rival schools to victory! 


Track & Field Team  : If you like running, throwing, and jumping this is the sport for you to compete against school rivals and advance your athletic skills!


Yoga & Wellness Club : A variety of different self care exercises and practices to help those connect on a more personal and spiritual level with their health

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