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School Directory

Astronomy Tower

The tallest building at Amaris, where planets, stars and celestial bodies can be studied via the ceiling-charmed telescope.


A room equipped for alchemy, potions and other enchanted experiments.


Area in which plays or dramatic performances are held

Florence's Library

Area where students can find a collection of books, resources and other media to aid in their studies. Contains a computer area where students are able to congregate and study as well.

Art Room

A room quipped with all artistic needs.

Music Room

A room equipped with all musical needs. Instruments, sheet music, etc, can be found here.

Common Room

Shared lounge amongst all years, for studying, leisure, etc

The Hospital Wing

Room where students under injury are sent to be looked after by medical staff equipped to help with all magical and mundane injuries.

Swimming Pool

Olympic pool for students to train or simply enjoy

Coffee Cauldron

Popular, on-campus coffe shop for casual eating and hanging with friends

Dining Hall

Cafeteria where students can sit and choose from a number of available, Amaris affiliated options. (Open from 8am- 9pm)


Athletics area with an attached gym/weights room , indoor track, basketball court and more.

The Greenhouse

Houses several species of magical and mundane plants.

Training Fields

Outdoor athletics area, where Terros matches are held and students can also run around the track, as well as play Tennis and other outdoor physical activities.

Selene's Lake

Body of pure water, blessed by the Goddess Selene where students can swim for leisure or purification purposes.

Mother's Temple

Place of worship where offerings and prayer can be made to the goddesses.

Into the Woods

Path from campus that leads to the coven ruins. Thick overarching forest.

Coven Ruins

An ancient and holy site that holds the elemental pillars where students can pray, congregate and sometimes even party.

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